
How did Jean-Luc Godard died

Jean-Luc Godard died

We have sad news coming from the world of cinema. Jean-Luc-Godard, the renowned film director passed away at the age of 91. He was one of the directors who spearheaded the revolutionary French New Wave of Cinema. He burst into the scene in 1960. His first movie was À bout de souffle (Breathless). Post that film there were a string of acclaimed releases from his end which rewrote the rules of cinema making and also influenced acclaimed directors from Martin Scorsese to Quentin Tarantino.

It was been advised that he had died by assisted suicide in Switzerland. French President Emmanuel Macron hailed Godard and said that he had the vision of a genius. He posted on Twitter that Godard was a kind of apparition in the French cinema and then he became a master of that. He was one of the New Wave filmmakers who invented intense art. He hailed Godard saying that the country has lost a national treasure. He was a genius in filmmaking.

Patrick Jeanneret is the legal advisor of Godard. He advised that Godard was suffering from multiple invalidating illnesses and hence took recourse to legal assistance in Switzerland for euthanasia. Euthanasia is legal in Switzerland under certain circumstances. Godard initially started as a film critic before directing the films. Godard’s most famous works in the 1960s were Alphaville and Le Mepris. He directed more than 100 films which included critically acclaimed works like Une Femme Mariée (1964), Masculin Féminin (1966), and Weekend (1967).

A statement was issued on Tuesday from the family that he had passed away peacefully at home. They also advised that no official funeral ceremony would happen and he would be cremated. They however did not spread light on what illness he was suffering from. Godard also indicated an interest in euthanasia in his previous interviews.

He was born in France to a wealthy family and moved to Switzerland when the Second World War started. Jack Lang, the former French culture minister hailed him saying that he had filled cinema with philosophy and poetry. Antonio Banderas also paid tribute to him by thanking him for expanding the boundaries of cinema.

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